Omnibus Constitution
Created May 2010
1. Name
The Society shall be known as Omnibus (hereafter “The Society”)
2. Purpose
The Society exists to act as a forum for persons eligible for membership, and in particular to promote good fellowship between staff members of the University of Bath. Run by staff in the best interests of staff, it shall organise events for the recreation of members, and work to ensure provision of suitable social facilities. It does not support any political party or trades union.
3. Membership
Membership shall comprise
A Ordinary Members
B Associate Members
C Life Members,
D Honorary Life Members,
E Reciprocal Members
F Honorary Members
G Such other categories of membership as may from time to time be determined at General Meetings in accordance with these Rules.
NB Categories C and D above shall also include those persons formerly recognised as such under the former SCR and UBSA constitutions.
No person whose main function in the University is that of a registered student shall be eligible for membership.
A Ordinary Members
All staff of the University shall be eligible to become Ordinary Members upon payment of an annual subscription as appropriate, and have full voting rights in terms of elections to and Meetings of, the Society.
B Associate Members
a) Associate Membership, requiring the payment of a half fee as appropriate, shall carry no voting rights.
b) Individuals who in the course of their professional duties are brought into contact with the University, and those persons falling under the provisions of Ordinance 25, shall be eligible for election as Associate Members.
c) Candidates for Associate Membership shall be nominated by an Ordinary Member and shall, upon election, be eligible to become an Associate Member upon payment of an annual subscription. Election of Associate Members shall be the responsibility of the Committee and the Committee has the full right to decline to elect any such candidate. The right to such membership shall lapse when an Associate Member ceases to have a professional connection with the University. The Committee may require that the Associate Member be renominated before any annual renewal of membership.
C Life Members
a) On the recommendation of the Committee, retiring Members with five or more years of Membership of the Society [from 2015, or previous membership of SCR or UBSA to 2015] may be admitted to Life Membership on the payment of one further year’s Annual Subscription.
b) Such Life Members shall enjoy the rights and privileges of Ordinary Members of the Society except that they shall have no voting rights and they will not normally be circulated with notices.
D Honorary Life Members
a) Retiring past Chairs and Members who have made outstanding contributions to the activities of the Society or the organisations which preceded it, may be proposed as Honorary Life Members.
b) Proposals of candidates for Honorary Life membership shall be made by Committee recommendation to a General Meeting and shall be in the form of a resolution from the Chair to which no amendment or addenda shall be allowed. Approval of such resolutions shall constitute election to Honorary Life Membership.
E Reciprocal Members
a) Any person, not being a staff member of the University of Bath, who is an Ordinary Member of a Senior Common Room or Staff Association, Society or Club of any University with which the Society has a reciprocal membership agreement shall, without paying any additional subscription, enjoy the rights and privileges of Ordinary Members in both establishments except that they shall have no voting rights.
b) A reciprocal membership agreement shall only be established on the recommendation of the Committee to a General Meeting.
F Honorary Members
a) Members of the University Council other than student members or members of staff of the University, shall be Honorary Members of the Society for as long as they hold this office.
b) Other proposals of candidates for Honorary Membership may be made by
Committee recommendation to a General Meeting.
4. Officers
The Officers shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications Officer, Chair of Social Activities Sub-Committee, and the Chairs of other such Sub-committees as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine for recommendation to a General Meeting. The Officers, who must be Ordinary Members of the Society, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. Except for the Chair, whose maximum consecutive period as Chair shall not exceed two years, they shall be eligible for re-election.
5. Executive Committee
a) The Executive Committee shall consist of:
i) the Officers ex officio;
ii) the immediate Past-Chair;
iii) As appropriate, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer;
iv) Up to ten other members elected from the Ordinary Membership of the Society;
v) Up to two members elected from the Associate Membership of the Society.
One member of the Executive Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of membership records.
b) The members of the Executive Committee under sub-sections (iv) and (v) above, shall hold office for one year and shall be eligible for re-election for two further periods of one year after which they shall not be eligible for re-election until the lapse of a further year.
Nomination of a person for election shall be made by a proposer and seconder from those Ordinary Members concerned, and must have the written consent of the nominee. A ballot of the Ordinary Members shall be held if necessary.
c) The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt, provided the number co-opted does not exceed three, the period of co-option not exceeding one year. Co-opted members shall not vote at Executive Committee meetings.
d) The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees and shall delegate thereto such functions as it shall determine.
e) Any Sub-Committee shall consist of a Chair and not more than five members co-opted by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee. Each Chair, as an elected Officer, is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee but may delegate a member of the Sub-committee to attend Executive Committee meetings in his/her absence.
f) A quorum for Executive Committee meetings shall be seven members and must include at least two officers.
In the event of a successful challenge to the quorum, the options available to the Chair are to:
i) adjourn the meeting to an alternative date;
ii) close the meeting and defer all the business to be transacted to the next ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee
iii) proceed with the meeting but clearly show in the minutes that the meeting was not quorate. Any business requiring a decision will have to be referred to
the next available meeting of the Executive Committee.
Any business accomplished and decisions taken before the quorum is challenged will be valid.
g) If an Officer of the Executive Committee is unable to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee, s/he may nominate a deputy to attend, and inform the Secretary accordingly. The deputy shall have full voting rights.
h) The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the day to day running of the affairs of the Society between General Meetings.
i) Each Committee member and Officer shall possess one vote; a vote on any substantive motion shall be carried by a simple majority of those present and voting. In the event of a tie, the Chair of the meeting shall possess an additional, casting vote.
j) It shall be the duty of the Secretary to make and keep the minutes of all the proceedings of the Society, and to send out all necessary notices.
k) The Executive Committee shall meet at least five times in one year, to an agreed calendar. Executive Committee meetings shall be arranged by the Secretary and each member of the Executive Committee must be reminded at least three days in advance of such meetings.
l) It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and pay all monies on behalf of the Society and to present to the Annual General Meeting a Statement of Account duly independently reviewed by an appropriately qualified individual.
m) Cheques made on behalf of the Society shall normally be signed by the Treasurer and one other Signatory. There shall only be three other permitted Signatories in addition to the Treasurer, as determined by arrangement with the Society’s bankers and reported to the Annual General Meeting.
a) The subscriptions payable by Ordinary, Associate Members, and Visiting Associate Members shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
b) Upon the report of the Committee a General Meeting shall have power to alter the said subscription.
c) All subscriptions shall be due at the beginning of the Society’s financial year, which runs from 01 August to 31 July. The Executive Committee shall have the power to remove the name of any member whose subscription is not paid by the immediate following 31st December, and thereupon such person shall cease to be a member but shall be eligible to rejoin upon payment of any arrears.
a) Following the Inaugural General Meeting of the Society, there shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Society, to be held in November each year.
b) Not less than 14 days’ notice shall be given of the Annual General Meeting, such notice to be circulated to the members by electronic means as well as posted in writing in such places within the University as the Executive Committee may determine.
c) The accounts shall be submitted at the Annual General Meeting.
d) A quorum shall be twenty five Ordinary Members.
In the event of a successful challenge to the quorum, the options available to the Chair are to:
i) adjourn the meeting to an alternative date;
ii) close the meeting and defer all the business to be transacted to the next ordinary meeting of the Society
iii) proceed with the meeting but clearly show in the minutes that the meeting was not quorate. Any business requiring a decision will have to be referred to the next available meeting of the Society.
Any business accomplished and decisions taken before the quorum is challenged will be valid.
e) Only Ordinary Members shall have voting rights on any issue at the Annual General Meeting.
a) The Executive Committee shall have the authority to convene a General Meeting as it deems fit.
b) The Executive Committee shall convene a General Meeting on the requisition in writing of at least 20 Ordinary Members.
c) Notice of such Meeting shall be given as provided in rule 7(b).
d) A quorum shall be twenty five Ordinary Members. The provisions of Rule 7(d) shall obtain in the event of an inquorate meeting.
e) Only Ordinary Members shall have voting rights on any issue raised at a General Meeting.
a) These rules may be altered, new offices and new officers appointed, and the power and duties of the Executive Committee of the Society itself may be altered, amended, increased or diminished by resolution passed by a majority of two thirds of the Ordinary Members present and voting at a General Meeting.
b) Notice of a proposal to alter these rules or to make any change authorised by the last preceding sub-clause hereof shall be given in writing to the Secretary not less than 21 days before the Meeting to which such change shall be submitted. The Executive Committee shall notify the proposal to all Ordinary Members not less than 14 days before the Meeting in question.
Any question as to the construction of these rules or any amendment or addition thereto shall be determined by the Executive Committee whose decision shall be subject to confirmation by a General Meeting, without prejudice, however, to anything done thereunder, pending such confirmation.
The Society may be dissolved at a General Meeting by agreement of at least two thirds of members present and voting. In the event of dissolution, members of the Executive Committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the affairs of the Society. After payment of all debts and liabilities, the Society shall, as decided by the General Meeting:
a) distribute all remaining assets equally among members at the date of dissolution;
b) transfer such assets to some other voluntary organisation with similar purposes or charitable objectives.