
We are friendly volleyball fans, ranging from absolute beginners to experienced players, who help each other improve technical skills and enjoy playing matches.

Whatever your background, experience or level of skills, you are very welcome to join the group or attend a taster session.

We meet socially to play indoor volleyball at 16:00 - 17:00 hrs on Mondays and 12:00 - 13:00 hrs on Fridays at the Sports Training Village.

We also have socials events and attend tournaments.

Partners/friends are welcome.

 Outdoor summer fun

If you have an enquiry, are interested in joining us or wish to attend an indoor taster session, then please email / get in contact with one of the following people:

Shan Bradley-Cong (RIS) s.bradley-cong@bath.ac.uk

Nuno M Reis (Chemical Engineering) n.m.reis@bath.ac.uk

Dr Hamideh Khanbareh (Mechanical Engineering) h.khanbareh@bath.ac.uk.