November 2017

  • GLP's management and philosophical biases

    I noted the other day that the GLP management group is not exactly balanced.  It comprises: Pearson, the Geographical Association, UCL Institute of Education, Oxfam UK, the Royal Geographical Society, the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT), and Think Global.  This is...

  • Why I worry about the Global Learning Programme

    The NAEE website has had a global learning theme over the last few days; see, for example, here, here and here.   A key element of this has been the work of Harriet Marshall (who works for the Global Learning Programme – GLP).  In...

  • Sustainable development goal analysis

    I wrote the other day about the Cambridge report about business and the sustainable development goals, and I referred in particular to Figure 2.1: Six outcomes and 10 interconnected tasks which has finance, business and governtment at the core of...

  • Time for critical thinking about critical thinking about critical thinking

    I've been reading what the admirable Shakira Martin, President of NUS, has been saying about sustainability education.  You'll find it here, adapted from a speech she delivered at a Labour Party Conference fringe event.  There's much to agree with in what...

  • There's little learning in the WEL

    Wales Environment Link (WEL) is a network of environmental, countryside and heritage non-governmental organisations across Wales.  Its vision is a healthy, sustainably managed environment and countryside with safeguarded heritage in which the people of Wales and future generations can prosper. As...

  • Business and the Sustainable Development Goals

    Even business is taking the SDGs seriously.  This is, in part at least, because they are good for business because development is good for business; just as business is good for development. There's a new report [**] on all this...

  • ERIC and the CEE

    I wrote the other day about NAEE's Annual review which led me to search for those reviews carried out by the Council for Environmental Education (CEE) in times past.  It's easy to find one c/o the ERIC archive: ED412076: The Annual...

  • Beyond stewardship – a troubled text

    I've been reading (with some difficulty) Beyond stewardship: common world pedagogies for the Anthropocene by Affrica Taylor (Faculty of Education, Science, Technology and Mathematics, University of Canberra) who "infuses her geographies of childhood, common world pedagogies, and multispecies ethnographic research with feminist, queer and...

  • Let's make sure we remember Edward Colston

    I was pleased to see the decision of the governors of Colston's Girl's School in Bristol not to change the name of the school, despite all the moralising urgings. Edward Colston was deputy governor of the Royal African Company in...

  • Will you be at the 2017 Student Sustainability Summit?

    Sadly, I cannot be at the Student Sustainability Summit on November 8th.  As such, I'll be missing inspiring talks on: Connecting the dots – sustainability and liberation Liberation and climate change are sometimes seen as completely separate issues. What has Black...