July 2011

  • Where there's LIFE, there's ...

    ... well, enormous hope and expectation at the very least. LiFE (Learning in Future Environments) is EAUC's rebranded, refurbished and soon-to-be relaunched Universities that Count project.  It is funded by the four UK Higher Education Funding Councils: the Higher Education...

  • I name this ship ... The Environment Agency

    Unthinkable, I know, so why did some committee or other think it a good idea to name one of First Great Western's increasingly aged low speed trains 'The Environment Agency'.  I spotted this walking down one of Paddington's rejuvenated platforms...

  • New Schools Programme backed by DFID and DfE

    Think Global reports that the Secretary of State for International Development has announced a new schools programme around development education which is "supported by the Secretary of State for Education".  It seems that this will involve working with schools in...

  • Breakfasting with The Few

    It was a privilege this week to breakfast in the same room as Battle of Britain veterans en route to a ceremony near Oxford involving Spitfires and a new flying training school — the finer details of the event escape...

  • Playing Tight and Loose

    As I noted in an earlier post, if you are intent on surveying a university's teaching provision for evidence of the extent, and nature, of how this work focuses on sustainability issues, you are faced with a choice of how...

  • Interesting Diagnosis, but flawed Prescription

    In a recent Opinion Essay for JESD [Vol. 5.1], Rolf Jucker offers "some reflections on environmental education and ESD" under the title: ESD between Systemic Change and Bureaucratic Obfuscation.  Jucker paints a gloomy view of the slow development of ESD...

  • The rumours of my death were ...

    It was a distinctly odd moment when I discovered today that there were Australian conference rumours that I had died, and I was relieved to discover that it wasn't true –  another Prof Scott, it seems: Phil from Leeds. When I heard the...

  • Schools that take food seriously: growing, cooking, eating – and composting

    To Norwich the other day to visit schools that take food seriously: growing, cooking, eating – and composting.  A bus journey to begin the day; 15 miles with a grandstand view of wild flowers on verges and banks, around field...

  • Bad Day for Badgers but a great controversial Issue

    Sadly, but inevitably perhaps, Defra seems to have sided with the views of farmers over the interpretation of scientific evidence in relation to bovine TB.  Whilst proposing to cull badgers gives the public the impression of decisive action (unless you've...

  • UK Border Agency on lookout for old man with long beard

    As I said I would, I've been reading the latest missive from UNECE on educator competences.  The last time normative instruction of this portentousness came down from on high it was on a mountain in Sinai and there was an old...