December 2013

  • While snow the window-panes bedim

    This is
 John Clare’s December that speaks of simple pleasures of a child’s Christmas, which, despite our more material, comfortable, and increasingly electronic times, can still make winter memorable. While snow the window-panes bedim, The fire curls up a sunny...

  • Reviewing the Manifesto launch

    I wasn't able to be at the launch of the Manifesto we all Want the other day.  Had I been there, however, I hope that I might have managed to write the sort of perceptive review that the University of...

  • Co-production of knowledge with plants, animals, materialities ...

    Are you tired of life?  Are you jaded by its materialist urgings?   Do you feel yourself helpless in a neo-liberal embrace?  Have you lost sight of what it is to be inter-human?  Do you no longer know who you...

  • Every sentence a rebuke ...

    I commented a while back on draft guidance produced by HEAQAA experts.  This included 50+ (E)SD learning outcomes for students leaving universities.   In my response, I raised a number of issues about their content and about who they were...

  • All change at English Heritage as it becomes Historic England – and English Heritage

    I am slowly catching up with the changes to English Heritage [ EH ].  These are visionary or desparate, according to taste.  EH is to be broken up:  one part, still to be called English Heritage, will become a charity...

  • So, was there LiFE in Copernicus?

    About a year ago, I wrote this: We are encouraged to take both the Copernicus Alliance, and EAUC’s LiFE (Learning in Future Environments), seriously, as major initiatives supporting sustainability and learning, and I have no doubt that, for those involved, there...

  • Let's blame academics, says a Guardian headline

    The headline to a Guardian HE Network blog, published last week, says:  Why have academics been so slow to work with students on sustainability? It's always a newspaper temptation to identify a culprit or two.  The blog post itself, by...

  • Free social learning towards a sustainable world

    The day began with a free vintage (c. 2007) e-book offer from Arjen Wals: Social learning towards a sustainable world.  The publisher's blurb begins with commendable understatement: "This comprehensive volume – containing 27 chapters and contributions from six continents  presents...

  • Higher Education for Sustainable Development – an interview

    A while back, I had an "interview" by questionnaire.  An odd process; whilst it certainly gave me a lot of time to consider and shape my responses, there no time to interact with the interviewer.  I sent a few papers...

  • My week

    This began well with an extended cabaret on the lawn by a green woodpecker and then the arrival of the first fieldfares.  Fortunately, we have enough apples and ants to cater for all. Poor PISA scores were heralded by Sunday newspaper...