April 2011
New Patron, anyone?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the new Duchess of Cambridge were found to have a closet interest in the environment? Well, NGOs in need of a Patron take note: Kate Middleton has a keen appreciation of the natural world...
William, Kate, and those Welsh Fish
Well, eventually I managed to find an environmental angle to the wedding. It seems that the use of Welsh gold for the wedding rings might (just might!) pose a threat to trout and salmon spawning. As TIME notes: Conservationists and...
The Web of Hope
I've written two blogs now for the Web of Hope. The latest, about to appear, is about teaching – the idea that we are all teachers now whether we like, or know, it or not. We teach through our...
I, being Born a Sinner and Distressed, ...
If you've been a sinner but have now seen the light, there's nothing like a public confession to let the world know of your repentance, and to show off your shiny new anti-whatever-it-was credentials and zeal. St. Paul has a...
Hobson's choice: Osteoporosis – a Cat's home – and Friends of the Climate
Shopping in Waitrose today (I know!), I was, as usual, faced with deciding which local charity to support with my solitary little green token. The choice was between a local osteoporosis support group, a cat's home (actually: Kat's), and the...
The most recent Schumpeter column in The Economist discussed a recent book: World 3.0: global prosperity and how to achieve it. The column's headline is: The case against globaloney: at last some sense on globalisation, which gives the reader a sense...
A Grand Occasion in Plymouth
I was in Plymouth on Thursday night to be at Stephen Sterling's professorial inaugural lecture. It was a fittingly splendid few hours. Stephen was welcomed formally to his new role with an appropriately generous appreciation of his human and professional...
Cut off from the World
Back on line after 3 days with no home broadband, and now recalled to life – but the first thing I learn is that Catherine Z Jones has depression! Well, I'm off to Plymouth for Stephen Sterling's Inaugural –...
Take a Mary Baker Schools Mix
An article in Local Government Lawyer [LGL] at the end of last week reports on a review of capital investment in schools that has criticised the system as "not fit for purpose” and suggested that the public sector had consistently failed...
Campus Fugit
I watched [part of] the first episode of Channel 4's new "comedy" Campus which was filmed at Bath last year. I was a bit confused though as I didn't find it funny. Whilst i know that universities are not supposed...