July 2015
Hedge Schools
A hedge school is not some finishing academy for fund managers sponsored by the Titans of Wall Street, or an arcane off-shoot of the forest school movement; rather, it's the name given to an educational practice in 18th and 19th...
'Ahelo 'Ahelo!
No, this is not about some dyslectic verison of the BBC's brilliant French farce of (almost) the same name, but the tale is Gallic in one respect. The term, Ahelo, is the acronym for 'Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes' which...
What educational price a Brexit – or should that be Brexodus?
The THE recently carried quite a careful article on whether UK universities would be better off in / out of the EU. Or, it might have been about whether UK university research would be better off in / out of the EU...
That dull green sheen
That Dull Green Sheen "Government pulls plug on funding for Green Deal Finance Company after only 10,000 homes sign up to energy household efficiency programme." Farewell then, to the Green Deal, That revolution in upgrading Britain’s Old and draughty housing...
Access to Routledge journal output about the MDGs
In 2000, the Millennium Development Goals [MDGs] were formed to galvanise efforts to meet the needs of the world's poorest. Eight goals were defined and 21 targets were set to be completed by 2015. To mark the final year of this programme, Taylor...
WEEC 8 was a success – it's now official
Phew! What a relief; I was beginning to wonder ... . Actually, it was a "big success", according to a co-chair of the congress – that's how these international evaluations tend to go. You can read the full detail on the Transformative Learning...
2015 – the year of 3 key conferences
There are 3 UN conference this year; two of these you know all about: the September meeting to agree the SDGs and the December meeting to try to sort out what to do about climate change. The first is likely...
Something Fishy
It was news to me that fish don't metabolise those fabled fish oils — DHA and EPA — themselves; rather, these come via the food that the fish eat. The oils are made by single-celled algae which then pass through...
Extreme poverty eases for a billion people, says UN
The Guardian reports that although Ban Ki-moon has hailed the achievements of the millennium development goals, he has warned that the world is still riven by inequality. The paper begins its report: The millennium development goals (MDGs) have driven “the most successful anti-poverty movement in...
What Jonathon Porritt didn't say at UWE
I've just watched JP's recent lecture at the University of the West of England (Bristol) UWE – you can access it via this NAEE blog post. Whilst what he said was of interest, especially the sooth-saying element of his talk:...