January 2014
Hefce off-line
The Hefce consultation meeting is over. As for, my question ... In 2009, Hefce said this: “It remains our view that the greatest contribution that universities and colleges can make to sustainable development is through the values, skills and knowledge...
Hefce on-line
I have joined Hefce’s London consultation on line, and was impressed by the ease of the technology. Just a click. If it runs out of tax-payer cash, HEFCE could sell this expertise. I joined just in time to see the...
The continuing development of preferences over what preferences to have
The title of this blog is Amartya Sen's view of rational behaviour. I was reminded of it – and the text at the foot of the post, which Stephen Gough and I wrote in 2007 [1. 4], as I took...
Circular update from Davos
No. I’m not there! Hardly. I’m not even sure where it is. But the Ellen MacArthur Foundation is – launching another report with McKinsey, and a new initiative: Project Mainstream. I can remember when ESD experts were sniffy about the...
Another day; another sustainability literacy test
The problem is: whenever some dodgy concept – like sustainability literacy – emerges out of the many febrile imaginations tired of day-time TV, inevitably someone decides it has to be measured. I was alerted to the latest example today by...
Facing up to stealth denial; winding down on fossil fuels
Thanks to David Oldroyd for pointing me towards: the RSA’s Social Brain Centre Report: A New Agenda on Climate Change: facing up to stealth denial and winding down on fossil fuels. This draws on a UK-based survey that identifies the...
Reaching beyond GDP
I've just read "Time to leave GDP behind" which Robert Costanza and colleagues have published in Nature. It argues that we need new, more integrated measures of sustainable human well-being, beginning ... Robert F. Kennedy once said that a country’s gross...
Watching the website to watch
Though I know there's considerable choice, but for those of still wondering what the Decade was all about, this has to be the place: the website of the 2014 UNESCO conference to mark the shift from Decade to GAP. Although it's...
My week in books and postcards
It began with my reading the New Scientist's 'Nothing', a book that brings together the writings of more than 20 New Scientist writers around themes that have the idea of nothing at their heart. Topics included: the history of zero,...
Framing arguments
I have just read a significantly flawed, but rather informative, report from nef on the framing of the government’s messages around their socio-economic (aka, austerity) policies. From nef’s point of view this amounts to a very clever way of presenting...