October 2010

  • A Good Move for the DfE's Sustainable Development Unit?

    Perhaps I am the last person to become aware of this, but it strikes me as a positive move that the DfE Sustainable Development Unit has been moved within the DfE's Policy Impact Division with an objective to mainstream sustainability...

  • Daphne and Belinda at the BBC

    The BBC's Points West had what was billed as a good conservation story last night, and Daphne and Belinda were in the studio to tell us all about it.  Belinda was an otter and Daphne was its "owner", or so...

  • The TES gets it Badly Wrong

    I have just caught up with a recent story in the Times Education Supplement under the headline: "Climate change strategy falls victim to Tories' anti-centralising drive".  To my bemusement, this turned out to be the Sustainable Schools Initiative.   To...

  • No Pressure; No Problemo

    I have been away – two luxurious weeks with little thought of ESD.  I come back to discover that I've missed a mini-drama.  It seems that those well-meaning folk at the 10:10 movement thought it would be a good idea...