December 2017
Farewell to the HEA
The Higher Education Academy (HEA) has agreed to merge with the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE). This follows the recommendations of the Bell review that there be one agency for learning and teaching, equality...
The UK Green Alliance and the Goals II
So what does the UK Green Alliance have to say about education the young and about the sustainable development goals. The Alliance had a lot to say about the goals in 2013. See this. There is also this joint paper, written with Christian...
The UK Green Alliance and the Goals I
I ended yesterday's post like this: "It is no small wonder that those interested in social justice find it easier to bend the ear of those with money and clout." The "this" in question was the vast array of environmental NGOs...
A fragmented natural capital picture
I wrote yesterday about the usefulness of NGOs interested in global learning / social justice talking with NGOs that are interested in (or which should be interested in) education related to the goals that have a natural capital grounding. The NGOs I...
What to do in the UK about the SDGs
Inevitably, given the stimulus of the St George's House event, I have been thinking some more about education and the SDGs, and in particular about the role of schools and NGOs in relation to the goals. What follows here is...
Green Impact at 10
In the end, and disappointingly, I couldn't get to the NUS celebration of its Green Impact programme at the Commons late last month. It was an enthusiastic, sell-out crowd. NUS has helpfully written up the event (and the background to...
Sustainability and HE in Plymouth
January 11th sees Plymouth's annual Sustainability in HE conference. Will you be there? It's their usual mix of posters, presentations, keynotes, networking and lunch. The first keynote asks: If education is the answer, what's the question? Of course, education isn't the...
The surreal theatre of COP 23
Did you go to COP 23? Me neither – and I missed COPs 1 to 22 as well. Black UN marks all round, I fear, and I'll not be invited to the December multi-faith Festival party again this year. The news...
UKSCQA anyone?
I know that, quartered safely out here in Wiltshire, I live a sheltered life, but I was still surprised to learn about the existence of UKSCQA – the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment (UKSCQA) which "provides sector-led oversight of...
Lily Gray says very little about ESD
If you think your life is tough, spare a thought for the benighted members of the Second committee of the UN General Assembly (Economic and Financial Committee) who recently had to endure a tedious presentation about ESD. You can read...