November 2009
The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy
A review in THE this week of the Handbook of Sustainability Literacy – the sort of review that authors might have thought of penning themselves had they been optimistic enough about how their achievements might be received (I had one of...
And so to Norway and the kulturlandskap
To Norway to give a talk on reorienting teacher education to address sustainability at a conference of teachers and teacher educators. A chance to think about the Unesco project that we were once part of, and to reflect on 30+...
What the World needs now is ... yet another Declaration
I know that what the world really needs is "love, sweet love", whether sung by Dionne Warwick or others, but what we've finished up is the Lucerne Declaration. As IRGEE 18.4 reports, this is actually the Lucerne Declaration on Geographical...
Doorways, what Doorways? Oh, and what's ESD?
I recently spent a very stimulating few hours with primary school headteachers from a London Borough – talking with them about sustainable schools during a couple of days devoted to this theme. Although there were a few Heads from the...
A Pedagogy for ESD?
In a recent mailing, SEEd has said that it "is wanting to explore what it can contribute to the question about pedagogy and ESD", and it asks "some very basic questions: What can we say about pedagogy and ESD/global learning? What...
Fairtrade: commodifying an ethical relationship
Monday saw me at a GWR seminar from Exeter over its impressive "access grid" (all rather Iain M Banks). The topic was fairtrade and the presentation illuminated a number of issues around why schools (and universities, Bath amongst them) find...
Leaving fear, sin and guilt to the environmental movement
In a recent radio programme the following exchange took place: Jane Little's Introduction: “The Government’s former Chief Scientific Advisor, Lord May, has called on religious leaders to play a bigger role in helping to tackle climate change. The Peer said...