May 2021

  • Will the DfE see sense?

    The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published report, setting out its proposals for achieving ‘Net Zero’ carbon emissions that gas boilers should be banned from 2025 to combat climate change, and achieve net-zero emissions by the middle of the century.  It...

  • Environmental Education in Derbyshire

    In early 1983, HMI published A Survey of Environmental Education in Some Derbyshire Primary Schools [ S910/7/011 143/83 DS 1982 ].  This was based on schools visits to 13 schools "of varying size, type and catchment area [which were all] ... known...

  • The People Vs Climate Change

    I've been watching The People Vs Climate Change on IPlayer.  This engaging film follows members of the UK’s first ever Citizens Assembly on climate change, where 108 people – selected to represent the country – were challenged about what we should...

  • Babylon Berlin

    I see that unesco's latest global gabfest launches this week.  It's the world conference on esd with interminable lectures and panels.  I predict that there will be much grandstanding, virtue signalling and sanctimonious pontificating, and no doubt myriad folk will...

  • Xiye Bastida and Antony Blinken

    I used to think that being US Secretary of State was a busy job (North Korea / China / Germany / Iran / Afghanistan / Russia / Palestine / Yemen / ...), but Antony Blinken took a lot of time...

  • Move on now

    It's a long while since I've been moved on by the police, but it happened last month.  I'd popped into my local town to support students from the Wiltshire branch of Teach the Future who'd been doing banner drops (where...

  • Working together?

    I wrote an article for Issue 4 of Elephant Times, the new venture from Tide~.  It ended with a challenge to organisations promoting development education and global learning: –  remember that tackling climate change and environmental issues is vital if all humans...