November 2020

  • Othering Mushrooms – a new look at risotto

    I'm pleased to be able to thank Dr Lenka Vráblíková for explaining about the role of white heteropatriarchy in recent socio-political phenomena.  It's taken a great weight off my mind and swept a legion of scales from my eyes. Vráblíková...

  • The naming of birds

    As Monday's NAEE news round-up reported, there's a new craze sweeping the woker – or should that be wokier? * – parts of North America.  This is to rename birds.  As a blog on (essential reading) notes: "North America's most...

  • Our missing book Chapter

    In our new book –Learning, Environment and Sustainable Development: a history of ideas – that was published last week, Paul Vare and I wrote about Virgil's Georgics which were written between 37 and 29 BCE.  The Georgics outward theme is farming and rural...

  • Re-Wilding "nature"

    Like a lot of people, I sense, I'm wary of the re-wilding movement.  This is, I think, because of its pious motivations rather than some of the possible outcomes.  There is a playing God side to it all and a...

  • An Insouciance of Dexters

    Walking along the Wansdyke last week we came across about 15 Dexters – the smallest of our native cattle breeds.   These are handsome beasts that the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust finds useful in grazing downland to encourage wild flowers to...

  • Mink Rights

    I hear that activist lawyers in Brussels are acting for for Mink Rights groups to help them prevent Danish plans to exterminate all the 17 million mink (currently in 1100 farms across the country).  The cull is deemed necessary by...

  • ESDG, Greta, and missing young ecologists

    Let's bless the UN for gifting us a new acronym to enjoy in these dark and desperate times.  This is ESDG.  Yes, you've guessed it: education for the sustainable development goals.  You'll find the glorious details here.  Of course you're...

  • New book published today

    As I may have mentioned, Paul Vare and I have a new book published today: Learning, Environment and Sustainable Development: a history of ideas You can buy it here at an immodest price.  Here's the blurb: "This is an introduction to...

  • Remembering Sean Carson

    I recently read parts of Environmental Education: principles and practice, published by Edward Arnold in 1978, and edited by Sean McBride Carson.  Odd, you might think, given its venerable 33 years ageing on my bookshelves, but I dived into it for...

  • Permanent educational scarring of disadvantaged children

    25% of school students ~2.5 million children had no schooling or tutoring during lockdown, an LSE Centre for Economic Performance study reports.  Further, the study adds, 74% of private school students had full days of teaching compared to 38% of...