November 2019

  • Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene?

    I've been reading Donna Haraway's Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin.  This was published in 2015 in Environmental Humanities, vol. 6,  pp. 159-165 This is how it begins: "There is no question that anthropogenic processes have had planetary effects, in...

  • The kindness of strangers

    As you'll be aware, the UN left Greta Thunberg stranded in Los Angeles and in a bit of a pickle as she noted in a recent tweet: "As #COP25 has officially been moved from Santiago to Madrid I’ll need some...

  • The human right to the wrong sort of education

    I see the Labour Party manifesto (required reading) has backed away from a proposal to ban independent schools, confiscate all their assets, and share their expertise round the system.  The manifesto does say that a Social Justice Commission  would "advise ministers...

  • Let's end the misery of GCSE

    I have long thought that there is little chance of a serious focus in secondary schools on environmental / climate issues that we all know need to be tackled whilst schools are so exam-focused in years 9 to 11.  ...

  • Dieter Helm in Bath

    Net zero - what it really means This is the title of Dieter Helm's I-SEE talk tomorrow: November 21st.   Helm is the Official Fellow in Economics at New College, Oxford and Professor of Economic Policy at the University.  He is...

  • A televised election debate on climate and nature

    I signed this letter yesterday even though I've given up on the idea of keeping global heating down to +1.5 degrees, and I usually find TV debates pretty useless forums for getting anywhere.  They are great for posturing though.  I'm...

  • Studies in Italian school system anarchy Part 437

    I see (thanks to the weekly round-up from NAEE) that Reuters is reporting that from next September, Italy will make it compulsory for schoolchildren to study climate change and sustainable development. It is easy to scoff at such command and control statements,...

  • Pursue your dreams: they're free at the point of use

    Here's the education policy for the next Labour government as set out yesterday  – provided, of course, that they get elected.   It's likely to be sending a shiver down many a Vice Chancellor's spine. "Many people will know that...

  • Petition less in Parliament

    I had this email on Tuesday morning.   Dear William Scott, You recently signed the petition: A review into how the education system prepares students for the climate crisis Because of the General Election, the closing date for the petition you...

  • The Eco-Schools coded message to No. 10

    I wrote the other day about how Eco-Schools UK seems to have lost its way given that their work has no focus on the climate issues that are so consuming young people's thoughts and concerns. Further evidence presented itself when...