November 2023

  • Let's help the poor, not punish them

    A recent Guardian article argues for carbon taxes that target those who can afford to play.  It quotes IEA data that provides energy-related CO2 emissions per person in 2021.  It says: "In rich countries, the richest 10% of people have carbon...

  • Buzzing about net zero

    I'm taking part in a workshop on net zero and education in a couple if weeks.  It's title is: What’s the buzz about net zero?  It's being organised by NAAEE and GEEP.  I'm chairing a panel and am expected to...

  • The End of Pandamonium in North Britain

    I’ve not mentioned the two giant pandas in Edinburgh zoo lately, and it’s almost too late as they are off home next week.  When they first arrived, the ticket sales must have exceeded the rent the zoo was paying (around...

  • School Activism and Action Competence

    I see that the Ministry of Eco Education is hosting an online panel discussion exploring Activism in Schools on Monday December 4th.  The event is "to enable young people, academics and educators to discuss the role of activism in education"...

  • Post-NAEE opportunities

    At the NAEE AGM last Saturday morning I ceased after 7 years to be a trustee and, hence, chair of the trustee board.  Truly, it has been a privilege to be part of its 52 year old heritage, dating as...

  • What is a small l liberal to think?

    I read that young people in Manchester, Glasgow, Bristol, Luton and London have been leaving school to march calling for a ceasefire in the Hamas – Israel conflict that was caused by the terrorist group's genocidal attack on Israeli civilians...

  • Foofaraw and Planet Earth

    I read that "BBC Earth commissioned a multi-country online quantitative study to examine the impact of watching natural history content on viewers’ emotions. This was conducted in partnership with an international panel company, with data collected and weighted to be...

  • A Final Goodbye to Nick Gibb

    In today's government reshuffle, which sees Lord David "hug a husky" Cameron back in the cabinet, spare a thought for the once great survivor, Nick Gibb who has surely been sacked for the last time.  Gibb, a voice for high...

  • How ways to address the climate crisis are presented in UK national curricula

    Thanks to NAEE's weekly news round-up for an alert to a new policy brief from the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath on the climate crisis in UK national curricula.  The author, Katharine Lee, says that the...

  • Cheers for Bill Gates

    I don't usually have too many positive things to say about Bill Gates – he did after all give us the Microsoft operating system – but in an interview with Our World in Data he makes an important point about...