December 2021
Is it really an exciting time for the young people of Wales?
Thanks to the latest NAEE weekly round up for alerting me to what's occurring in Wales. I was fleetingly in the Principality recently but failed to spot this. The Curriculum for Wales initiative is in full swing and you can see...
Over a Barrel of Carbon
Imagine a conversation somewhere east of the Vistula ... Sergey More good energy news Mr President. Useful idiots in Scotland have persuaded the First Minister to oppose the development of Cambo – an oil and gas field. This means we...
A brief note on the DfE Climate Education workshop 9th December 2021
This post is written by Dr Paul Vare of the University of Gloucestershire. Paul was one of those invited by the DfE to be a member of the climate education working group which met on December 9th. These are his...
Is it up to schools now?
I've been reading NAEE's latest blog post from Richard Dunne leader of the Harmony Project. It's worth a read and contains this passage: "... The climate emergency has come about from a complete lack of understanding of what we need to...
Helping the DfE develop its sustainability and climate change education strategy
The DfE wants feedback on its draft sustainability and climate change education strategy for education and children’s services systems. These are my initial thoughts: I ... support the statement that education is critical to fighting climate change, and the acknowledgement that...
Natural History and the DfE
The DfE is saying nothing about the chances of the GCSE in natural history getting approval. The proposal is "with ministers" I understand. But what advice are they getting from civil servants do you suppose? The fact that it wasn't...