August 2021
I read that it’s all my fault that recycling rates are so low. It’s because I don’t wash the food cartons and yoghurt pots enough before I put them into the bins. It’s also because I'm a "wishcycler" which is the...
Teach the Future's Impact
I'm a critical friend of Teach the Future and sit on its Adult Advisory Group. I had this email the other week that set out some of the things that Teach the Future has done: Hosted a reception in the UK parliament Wrote...
Climate education and school sustainability inset training video for secondary school staff
I've been watching the climate education and school sustainability inset training video for secondary school staff from UKSSN / GAP / Transform our World. It sets out to provide a brief overview of the key issues and why all school staff need...
The nature of the DfE
The DfE says that it is so overwhelmed by dealing with the virus and the problems associated with GCSE and A level exams (ie the lack of them) that it cannot find the time to decide whether to allow the...
Dishwashers will be provided
I see that the Prince of Wales will be speaking at COP26, and that the Pope will attend as well. There are also rumours that Greta has squared her attendance at the event with her conscience and so she will...
What if the Oscars followed the Eco Schools example
As I mentioned last week, Eco Schools is changing the way it operates. See this. It's 2021/22 model of having all judgements of quality around the award of the green flag being made on-line with no visiting assessors being involved is...
Negotiating at COP26
I've been dipping into the IPCC's new report, and reading other people's comments. This struck me from The Economist: "A crucial part of this document is the “summary for policymakers”, which is, to some extent, also a summary by policymakers....
Green Flag with Merit
I see that Eco Schools is making big changes to the way it operates. These might be summarised as [i] abandoning the bronze and silver awards as stepping stones to flag acquisition; [ii] making the application process entirely on-line; [iii]...
Climate Education A and Q
When the government was asked by an MP recently whether it has "made an assessment of the potential merits of introducing a compulsory sustainability component to the national curriculum", the following response was given by the Rt Hon Nick Gibb...