October 2011

  • The World's Worst Questionnaire – competition intensifies

    I received this today from EAUC: EAUC, Australasia Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) and the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE - North America) have been collaborating to develop a mechanism for the worldwide tertiary education community to collectively...

  • A question from Kerry Shephard – and a response of sorts

    Otago University's Kerry Shephard writes to SHED-share ... I have run an annual academic professional development event (a workshop) on 'Education for Sustainability' at my HE institution for the past five years. It supports what must be identified as a...

  • Sustainable Development, I presume?

    In the latest edition of Sustainability Now, from Sustainability South West, SSW Director Leslie Watson writes: Should our planning system enshrine ‘a presumption in favour of sustainable development’?  Of course it should – presuming it is clear about the definition...

  • Blogging about writing about blogging

    Last year, the Open University's Gill Kirkup published Academic blogging: academic practice and academic identity in the London Review of Education.  Although this is a small study, I found it a thoughtful reflection on the purposes, practices (and pitfalls) of...

  • Unesco appoints Head of ESD – sort of

    Unesco has appointed a new director of ESD.  A Unesco insider announced this yesterday at a meeting I attended, but knowledge being power, they declined to share the details.  What a tease! They did say, however, that the post would...

  • I watched a party-political broadcast last night, and ...

    There seemed nothing to disagree with or take exception to in this PP Broadcast which is an odd thing to say, given that much of what you hear in the usual PPBs  is either tendentious or "consciously dishonest" as Orwell...

  • The never-ending war against cliché and jargon

    I usually read Robert Fisk for other reasons, but his recent article on jargon and cliché caught my eye.   Something to read, perhaps, alongside George Orwell's writing rules: 1. Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech...

  • LIFE – but is it an improvement on how we know it?

    As the EAUC's LIFE fires up for its 1st November launch, publicity for it increases.  The latest I have spotted is in the EAUC's own digital EARTH magazine where you will find the following: No time-wasting please! LiFE directly replaces...