October 2016
For now's the time for your tears
The gorilla which failed in its attempted jail break in London last week, rather obliquely, reminded me that Swedes really do have a sense of humour. That is, the story brought to mind a line from (for me) the most...
Frack off from Wiltshire
I'm told that the companies that had expressed an interest in drilling for oil / gas / whatever in the part of Wiltshire where I live, have decided not to take up the opportunity. This might be seen as a...
Last word on the two Olympics
It's hard to believe all that effort is now over (apart from drug-related controversy) for another four years. I enjoyed what I saw of it. In listening to UK athletes talking about their struggles and sometime success, I was struck...
Aggressive photocopying
I once had a colleague who was full of wit and wisdom, but who was always getting into scrapes. He was once accused (it was the 1980s) of using a photocopier in an overly masculine and patriarchal fashion. I fear that people...
GEEPing time again
There will be another meeting of the GEEP group in October which will be co-incident with the NAAEE annual conference in Madison, WI. I'll be attending by Sykpe, off and on, but the UK will have a presence in person...
Cross-Generational Understandings of Environment and Climate Change
I went to a seminar on Cross-Generational Understandings of Environment and Climate Change: public attitudes, education and international experience at Pembroke College, Cambridge, the other week. It was good to be back in the Fens, even if the fast train from Tottenham...
What a GEM
The Transformative Learning blog asks: Does the GEM 2016 report signify a change from the dominant neo-liberal agenda that sees education as an extension and a driver of the globalizing economy and the its push for infinite growth, innovation and...
It's National Poetry Day today, although everyday should be that, I think. Here's my contribution: Edward Thomas's evocative Adelstrop Yes, I remember Adlestrop -- The name, because one afternoon Of heat the express-train drew up there Unwontedly. It was late June....
Prime Minister to announce support for ESD
There is a rumour that, at this week's UK Conservative Party conference, the Prime Minister will announce approval for a pro-ESD raft of policies to be implemented in 2017 as part of the government's commitment to the sustainable development goals. Not...
Does panda success put their supporters at risk?
There must be concern amongst those that need the Giant Panda to be endangered so that they can continue to exploit its image for their own ends, that it's now less endangered than before. As such, it must be feared...