October 2017
Scotland did it yesterday
I've been reading, rather belatedly, the concluding report (March 2016) of Scotland's Learning for Sustainability National Implementation Group. This is packed with flag-waving claims. Given Scotland's reputation for claiming that it does things differently, better and yesterday, I was not surprised to...
Stephen Sterling and the Gruffalo
It seemed a fair bet that the phrase: Stephen Sterling and the Gruffalo – has not been written very frequently if at all. I thought to check, and the best that my (un-Google) search engine could come up with was: Education for...
Another UNESCO ESD prize for the UK
EAUC reported last week that the UK-based Hard Rain Project has been selected as one of the three winners of the international UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) 2017. Thus, hot on the heels of the award of the...
More on those SDG learning objectives
I wrote back in January about the zillions (actually 255) of learning objectives that UNESCO has dreamed up to go with the SDGs, and so it's good to see Ben Ballin commenting on them on an NAEE blog the other...
Transformative Learning to the rescue
I have been humming and hawing (and then, much worse, humming again) for a while now about whether I should buy a more modern smart phone. My phone seems to have developed a form of early on-set dementia and is...
Schools and the SDGs
This is what EAUC had to say recently about universities and the SDGs: Universities and colleges recognise our unique role in fostering and empowering youth as a force for change, and in fulfilling the urgent need for new knowledge, rigorous debate and...
Is it only Ends that matter in these progressive days?
I said the other day that it was hard to understand why so many people had a positive view of the UN and its agencies; but is it? Could it be that it’s the aims and purposes of the UN...
More on the World We'll Leave Behind
As you know, The World We'll Leave Behind is the new book that Paul Vare and I have written for Routledge / Greenleaf which they will publish in February. There are 55 self-contained chapters, typically around 1000 words. Each one focuses...
Speaking truth to self-serving impotence
Well done Mrs M (NB, this is our Mrs M, not the somewhat recently-chastened, once-saintly, "Angie") for telling the UN (and its myriad competing agencies) what's wrong with its bloated, wasteful, inefficient and ineffective self. Building on the most recent...
Environmental education and the SDGs
It is easy to see why UNESCO thinks that ESD has relevance to the SDGs; after all, they both are about "sustainable development", and a straightforward calculus would have it that quality ESD contributes not only to an understanding of...