University of Bath Staff Society

Bringing together all University staff through social activities. Complete the Omnibus membership form under 'About us' page below to become a member

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  • Omnibus is relaunching!

    Join us on 6 February in the Wessex Staff Hub 10am – 2pm to find out more about our new programme of events and about the lunchtime activities we support. Free refreshments. What is Omnibus? Well, we are the staff...

  • Where is Omnibear?

    Where oh where is Omnibear? Throughout December Omnibear will be popping up around campus in his Christmas outfit/jumper. If you spot him and are not already one of our 500 members then why not pick up a membership form, it’s...

  • Blind Date with a Book

    Book Group are trying something new this December - Blind Date with a Book! Here's how a Blind Date with a Book works: Bring along a book you have enjoyed to share with someone else. It should be wrapped and labelled...

  • Peter Pan Goes Wrong review - here's what we thought

    Some Omnibus members went to the Theatre Royal last night and had a wonderful start to their Christmas season, see what they had to say: It was SO funny. The audience was. Roaring with laughter throughout. It’s worth arriving a...

  • Staff Wellbeing kick-start week

    Some of our groups, Volleyball, Board Game club and Book group along with the Walking group are all hosting events during Staff Wellbeing kick-start week, so if you've been interested in joining in with one of these groups this is the week to...

  • Brilliant Bletchley and the amazing people who worked there

    Never having been to Bletchley Park before, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. With an estimated travel time of three hours, it was further than Omnibus trips usually go. Would it be worth the journey and would there be...

  • Trip to Dunster Castle and West Somerset Railway

    Thanks to Holly Dean-Young for her account of our trip to Dunster Castle in August  (see below) and apologies for the belated posting!   We were lucky to have beautiful weather as we hopped on a coach to Dunster Castle...