Bill Scott's blog

Thoughts on learning, sustainability and the link between them

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  • London School of Epicaricacy

    I have done my level best to take some vicarious satisfaction at the plight of the London School of Economics in its dealings with the offspring of Libyan dictators, but try as I might, I can't do it.  So it's...

  • The Calculus of Needs and Means

    At a meeting the other day, I heard myself say, without really thinking, "Social justice always trumps equality".  This was in response to a half-hearted complaint that someone (not me) had a bigger mug of tea than everyone else.  It...

  • An Expert Review Disowned

    Hot on the heels of UNESCO's UK funding problems comes a report from UNESCO in Paris: Education for Sustainable Development: an expert review of processes and learning Its Preface says: "... UNESCO has commissioned this expert review on processes and learning...

  • Jamie's Nighmare

    I watched Jamie Oliver's Dream School unfold last night with the same sort of awful anticipation that is normally reserved for a slow-motion crash: a totally debilitating mixture of fascination and horror.  Of course, it was all set up for...

  • Unesco in "Special Measures" Shock

    Such is the reach of Ofsted's special language games that it has even reached Unesco in the Spotlight which emphasises links between the USA and UNESCO.  Spotlight uses this phrase in its report of the very recent DfID review of...

  • Neither an optimist nor a pessimist be

    After my talk last week, I was asked whether I was optimistic about the future for sustainable schools (or at least positive).  My response was my stock one with such queries, that I thought that optimism and pessimism were morally...

  • Sustainable Energy – without the hot air

    This 383 page book by David JC MacKay is dedicated to "those who will not have the benefits of two billion years' accumulated energy reserves"; that is, to all those who, unwittingly, will follow us onto the Earth – the...

  • Don't mention the Decade!

    I gave a seminar in the University on Tuesday to Mark my retirement.  A little late, of course, but that was just about scheduling.  I talked about the way that an interest in sustainability and learning had developed over the...

  • Illiberal Liberals

    I see that Nick Clegg is threatening universities with all sorts of punishments if they don't do as they are told about "fair access".  Not quite the freedom that institutions were promised, I note.  Not very liberal either.  Just another...

  • For academics everywhere

    Colmcille the scribe My hand is cramped from penwork. My quill has a tapered point. Its bird-mouth issues a blue-dark Beetle-sparkle of ink. Wisdom keeps welling in streams From my fine-drawn sallow hand: Riverrun on the vellum Of ink from...