Bill Scott's blog

Thoughts on learning, sustainability and the link between them

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  • George Monbiot and Brian Wilson disagree on progress, and what's progressive

    George M’s latest dyspeptic vision of the future – at least for benighted folk north of the Wall –  has been seen off by Brian Wilson for the “patronizing rubbish” it clearly is.  Wilson asks where are the progressive ideas in nationalist politics,...

  • Linking Thinking – but never enough

    You can access WWF Scotland's ageing, but still rather fine, Linking Thinking report here.  It was written by Stephen Sterling, Paul Maiteny, Deryck Irving and John Salter.  Is it for you?  Well, the authors say that if you, or your institution or organisation are: interested...

  • Nine Commissioners to the Fore

    England's Department for Education has bowed to pressure from Ofsted and agreed to appoint 8 regional education commissioners (and a super, 'national' commissioner to keep an eye on the other 8).  Their role is to oversee the ~4000 free schools and academies in...

  • A secular oak

    On Monday the 4th of August, at 2300, a small group of people from the village I live in met to plant an oak tree to "remember the start of the 1st world war in 1914".  This was the day and time the British...

  • Giving algorithms the vote

    The Economist's Schumpeter column reports that Deep Knowledge Ventures, a Hong Kong venture-capital outfit, has appointed an algorithm to its board of directors.  VITAL (Validating Investment Tool for Advancing Life Sciences), having run the numbers, gets to vote on which...

  • Who would trade their green league and national student satisfaction rankings?

    Why is it so difficult for most institutions to do well in both the NSS national student satisfaction survey, and in the green league?  Only Exeter has managed to get close to squaring this circle recently by being 13th in the green league (2013) and...

  • After Sustainability ...

    After Sustainability Denial, Hope, Retrieval is a new book by John Foster.  The blurb says: Dangerous climate change is coming. Some people still deny that it is happening, others that it is now too late to prevent it. Both denials spring...

  • "I think sustainability will make everyone happy."

    You can still come across poor presentations at conferences, and often these are not because of incompetence, but owing to a poor attitude towards the audience, one that is frequently rooted in insecurity. I sat through an ECER presentation of...

  • More from ECER in Porto

    The transport system is so good here, and my expectations of it, so low, that I arrived at my first meeting over twenty minutes early.  I then made the mistake of looking at my map for the building I was...

  • Another policy slogan anyone? 'global competence' is heading right for you

    This is an extract from the latest e-message from Think Global’s Chief Executive, Tom Franklin: As you may know, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will be including ‘Global Competence’ in its ‘PISA’ international measurement of different countries’ education...