Bill Scott's blog

Thoughts on learning, sustainability and the link between them

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  • Is education unnatural?

    This was the title of Stephen Gough's Inaugural Lecture last Thursday in Bath.  He concluded, after an erudite tour d'horizon that it wasn't.  There was, of course, much play around nature / natural, and I noted, I think for the...

  • Davos, The Guardian, McKinsey, the circular economy ...

    ... and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. [Note 1] Although this looks like a variation on the old IQ test training game of putting disparate phrases into one sentence, if you go to the Guardian Sustainable Business hub, you'll find an article,...

  • Neither national, nor a curriculum

    It was a pleasure to read Robin Alexander's incisive critique of Mr Gove's attempts at curriculum reform: pleasing, but oh so disappointing that such a riposte should prove necessary.  Here's the Abstract to Alexander's Forum paper for a flavour of...

  • UN observance days – or should that be daze?

    The UN has a long list of "observance days", and weeks, and years.  It is mesmerising.  In addition to International Mother Earth Day, the International Day for Biological Diversity, World Refugee Day, World Habitat Day, and World Oceans Day, which seem ok, sort of,...

  • Let's look at probability rather than proof

    A recent Economist ran a piece on Hurricane Sandy, and the costs to come from it.  It was typically thoughtful (if you like the Economist's thinking on economics and society, as I tend to do.  If you don't, it will...

  • Another World Sustainable Development Teach-In Day

    Personally, I’d rather hoped that one might be enough, but it seems not.  Friday, 8th February is the day, and details can be seen here. This year's event has the theme "Sustainable Development: towards local solutions to a global challenge"...

  • A Sustainable Higher Education Academy? Not quite yet

    The Higher Education Academy [HEA] has an advisory group on ESD of which I am a member.  The Academy also has a new Strategic Plan (2012–2016).  Sadly, this is not all it might be.  It begins ... This is a dynamic...

  • Unfolding the Power of ESD: lessons learnt and ways forward?

    Unfolding the Power of ESD – Lessons Learned and Ways Forward reports on the conference The Power of ESD – Exploring Evidence & Promise, which took place in Gotland, Sweden, in October 2012.  The conference was organized by the Swedish...

  • Jeff Forshaw on science and politicians

    A good article in the Observer last week from Jeff Forshaw.  He's a mate of Brian Cox – Oh, and a professor of physics and astronomy at Manchester.  It begins: In an editorial for the New Statesman, my colleague at the...

  • Higher Education Funding for 2013-14

    Every January, the Higher Education Funding Council for England [HEFCE] receives a letter from whichever government department currently holding the parcel labelled “Responsibility for Higher Education”.  This sets out what government expects the Council to do for its (taxpayers’) money...